Thursday 18 November 2010

First day of filming

To begin filming, we first had to have a written and signed consent form from on of your parents to show our teacher that we will be taking full responsibility of loss or damage for any equipment we use. 

The equipment we will be borrowing and using from the Media Department is a Sony HDD Handycam and a tripod - along with a Mac to upload and edit.

Today Tilly, Matt and I begun filming. Our main actress wasn't available today so we thought instead of wasting the opportunity when we were all free, we filmed the CCTV clips from the school car park. We filmed from two different angles, because most buildings have more than one security camera. This way the audience can view the assault from different angles which I have seen on some episodes of Crime Watch.

The view from the window we filmed the CCTV footage from

We started by finding the best locations to place the cameras in order to get the right angles. Once these were found, we tested out different ways for the scene to go, by moving my car in order to find out which location was best to park it in order for the victim (me) to get in it before she gets attacked. Because it was dark, the positioning was crucial as otherwise I would not have been very visible.

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